Say no to uncivilized behavior_高中高三作文

时间:2023-12-29 10:31:04

Say No to Uncivilized Behavior

In our daily life, we often encounter uncivilized behaviors such as littering, cutting in line, and talking loudly on the phone. These behaviors not only harm the environment but also affect people's mood and social order. Therefore, it is essential for us to say no to uncivilized behavior.

Firstly, we should raise awareness of civilized behavior by setting a good example ourselves. We can start with small things like picking up trash and queuing patiently. Secondly, we should actively promote civilized behavior among our friends and family. We can organize activities or campaigns to encourage people to be more civilized.

In conclusion, saying no to uncivilized behavior is everyone's responsibility. Let's work together to create a better living environment and make our society more harmonious. Remember, a little effort from each of us can make a big difference.



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