拼音: lóng shēng jiǔ zǐ
注音: ㄌㄨㄥˊ ㄕㄥ ㄐ一ㄡˇ ㄗˇ
解释: 古代传说,龙生有九子,九子不成龙,各有所好。比喻同胞兄弟品质、爱好各不相同。
出处: 明 徐应秋《玉芝堂谈荟 龙生九子》:“龙生九子不成龙,各有所好。”
例子: 真是龙生九子,各有所长
用法: 作主语、宾语、定语;用于兄弟等比较。
英语: The dragon has nine sons and each of them is different from the other.
According to the ancient legend, a dragon has nine sons, and each has his own good. It is a metaphor for compatriots with different qualities and hobbies.典故