鸿毳沉舟怎么读 鸿毳沉舟的意思

hóng cuì chén zhōu



拼音: hóng cuì chén zhōu

注音: ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄘㄨㄟˋ ㄔㄣˊ ㄓㄡ

解释: 毳:鸟兽的细毛。鸿雁细毛虽轻,堆积过多也能使船沉没。比喻小问题不解决,积累多了就要出大问题。

出处: 《新论·慎隙》:“鸿毳性轻,积之沉舟。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;用于劝诫人。

近义词: 积羽沉舟

单字解释: [鸿]的意思 [毳]的意思 [沉]的意思 [舟]的意思


毳: fine hair of birds and animals. Although the goose's fine hair is light, too much accumulation can also sink the ship. Metaphor: if a small problem is not solved, a big problem will arise if there is too much accumulation.