鸥鸟忘机怎么读 鸥鸟忘机的意思

ōu niǎo wàng



拼音: ōu niǎo wàng jī

注音: ㄡ ㄋ一ㄠˇ ㄨㄤˋ ㄐ一

解释: 机:机心。指人无巧诈之心,异类可以亲近。比喻淡泊隐居,不以世事为怀

出处: 唐 陆龟蒙《酬袭美夏首病愈见招》诗:“除却伴淡秋水外,野鸥何处更忘机。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;用于书面语。

近义词: 鸥鹭忘机

单字解释: [鸥]的意思 [鸟]的意思 [忘]的意思 [机]的意思


Opportunity: the heart of cunning or contingency. Like a gull, it means that the sun is accompanied by white sand and clouds, completely forgetting his tricks. It is a metaphor for being indifferent to seclusion and not thinking about world affairs.