鸠集凤池怎么读 鸠集凤池的意思

jiū fèng chí



拼音: jiū jí fèng chí

注音: ㄐ一ㄡ ㄐ一ˊ ㄈㄥˋ ㄔˊ

解释: 比喻庸才居要位。

出处: 《资治通鉴·唐纪则天后圣历二年》:“内史王及善虽无学术,然清正难夺,有大臣之节。”胡三省注:“《朝野佥载》曰:‘王及善才行庸猥,风神钝浊,为内史时,人号为“鸠集凤池”。’”

用法: 作宾语;指庸才身居要位。

单字解释: [鸠]的意思 [集]的意思 [凤]的意思 [池]的意思


Dove: the turtledove is a metaphor for all talents; Sets: aggregation; Phoenix pond: the abbreviation of Phoenix pond, which is the pond in the emperor's Forbidden Garden. It is the place where the Chinese Library province is located. Metaphor mediocrity occupies an important position.