鸟革翚飞怎么读 鸟革翚飞的意思

niǎo huī fēi



拼音: niǎo gé huī fēi

注音: ㄋ一ㄠˇ ㄍㄜˊ ㄏㄨㄟ ㄈㄟ

解释: 革:鸟张翅;翚:羽毛五彩的野鸡。如同鸟儿张开双翼,野鸡展翅飞翔一般。旧时形容宫室华丽。

出处: 《诗·小雅·斯干》:“如鸟斯革,如翚斯飞。”

例子: 明·程登吉《幼学琼林》第三卷:“竹苞松茂谓制度之得宜;鸟革翚飞,谓创造之尽善。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;指宫室华丽。

英语: descriptive of buildings(the perfect beauty of structure)

单字解释: [鸟]的意思 [革]的意思 [翚]的意思 [飞]的意思


Leather: bird wings; Hui: pheasant with colorful feathers. Like a bird spreading its wings and a pheasant flying. In the old days, the palace was described as gorgeous.