拼音: gāo fèng zì huì
注音: ㄍㄠ ㄈㄥˋ ㄗˋ ㄏㄨㄟˋ
解释: 东汉高凤,字文通,执志不仕,太守连召请,恐不得免,自言本巫家,不应为吏,又诈与寡嫂讼田,遂不仕。后用为自诬之典。
In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Gao Feng, who had a good command of literature, was not an official, and the prefect even called. He was afraid that he could not be avoided. He said that he was a witch and should not be an official. He also cheated his widowed sister-in-law to sue the field, so he did not become an official. Later used as a code of self accusation.