驽骥同辕怎么读 驽骥同辕的意思

tóng yuán



拼音: nú jì tóng yuán

注音: ㄋㄨˊ ㄐ一ˋ ㄊㄨㄥˊ ㄩㄢˊ

解释: 驽:劣马;骥:良马;辕:车前直木。劣马和良马同拉一辆车。比喻庸人与贤人混在一起。

出处: 《孔丛子·对魏王》:“驽骥同辕,伯乐为之咨嗟;玉石相揉,和氏为之叹息。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;指好坏混在一起。

英语: nags and steeds kept in the same stable(make no distinction between the wise and the foolish)

近义词: 牛骥同皂

单字解释: [驽]的意思 [骥]的意思 [同]的意思 [辕]的意思


Inferior horse: inferior horse; Ji: a good horse; Yuan: straight wood in front of the car. A bad horse and a good horse pull the same car. It is a metaphor for mediocre people mixing with virtuous people.