饿殍满道怎么读 饿殍满道的意思

è piǎo mǎn dào



拼音: è piǎo mǎn dào

注音: ㄜˋ ㄆ一ㄠˇ ㄇㄢˇ ㄉㄠˋ

解释: 殍:饿死的人。满路都是因饥饿而死的人的尸体。形容饥荒灾祸严重,人民大量死于饥寒的惨状。

出处: 汉·仲长统《昌言·损益篇》:“坐视战士之蔬菜,立望饿殍之满道,如之何为君行此政也。”

用法: 作谓语、定语、分句;指饥饿死人。

英语: People dying of starvation id a common sight in.

近义词: 饿殍载道

单字解释: [饿]的意思 [殍]的意思 [满]的意思 [道]的意思


Die: people who starve to death. The road was full of bodies of people who died of hunger. The famine disaster is serious, and a large number of people die of hunger and cold.