食毛践土怎么读 食毛践土的意思

shí máo jiàn



拼音: shí máo jiàn tǔ

注音: ㄕˊ ㄇㄠˊ ㄐ一ㄢˋ ㄊㄨˇ

解释: 毛:指地面所生之谷物;贱:踩。原意是吃的食物和居住的土地都是国君所有。封建官吏用以表示感戴君主的恩德。

出处: 先秦 左丘明《左传 昭公七年》:“封略之内,何非君土;食土之毛,谁非君臣?”

例子: 食毛践土偏知感,地厚天高乱颂扬。(清 吴趼人《痛史》第二十一回)

用法: 联合式;作谓语;用于感戴恩德。

单字解释: [食]的意思 [毛]的意思 [践]的意思 [土]的意思


Wool: refers to the grain grown on the ground; Cheap: step on it. The original meaning is that the food and land are owned by the monarch. Feudal officials used to show their gratitude for the kindness of the monarch.