风栉雨沐怎么读 风栉雨沐的意思

fēng zhì



拼音: fēng zhì yǔ mù

注音: ㄈㄥ ㄓˋ ㄩˇ ㄇㄨˋ

解释: 栉:梳子、篦子等梳头发的用具;沐:沐浴、洗。风梳头,雨洗发,形容奔波劳碌,风雨不停。

出处: 《元史·礼乐志》:“相我祖宗,风栉雨沐。”

用法: 作谓语、定语;形容奔波劳苦。

英语: in the open despite of wind and rain

近义词: 沐雨栉风

单字解释: [风]的意思 [栉]的意思 [雨]的意思 [沐]的意思


Comb: comb, comb and other tools for combing hair; Bathing: bathing and washing. The wind combs his hair and the rain washes his hair. It describes running and working, and the wind and rain keep on.