面缚衔璧怎么读 面缚衔璧的意思

miàn xián



拼音: miàn fù xián bì

注音: ㄇ一ㄢˋ ㄈㄨˋ ㄒ一ㄢˊ ㄅ一ˋ

解释: 两手反绑而面向前,口含碧玉以示不生。古人用以表示投降请罪。

出处: 春秋·鲁·左丘明《左传·僖公六年》:“许男面缚衔璧,大夫衰绖,士舆榇。”

例子: 北齐·杜弼《为东魏檄梁文》:“若吴之王孙,蜀之公子,顿时以动,见机而作,面缚衔璧,肉袒牵羊,归款军门,委命下吏。”

用法: 作谓语、宾语;用于战争投降。

英语: face the wall with one's hands bound and with a piece of jade bitten with one's teeth

近义词: 面缚舆榇

单字解释: [面]的意思 [缚]的意思 [衔]的意思 [璧]的意思


His hands are tied back and his face is forward, and his mouth contains Jasper to show that he is not alive. The ancients used it to express surrender and plead guilty.