青史标名怎么读 青史标名的意思

qīng shǐ biāo míng



拼音: qīng shǐ biāo míng

注音: ㄑ一ㄥ ㄕˇ ㄅ一ㄠ ㄇ一ㄥˊ

解释: 青史:史书。标:记下。在史书上记下姓名。比喻在历史上留下好的名声。亦作“青史留名”、“青史传名”、“青史名留”、“青史流芳”。

出处: 明·方汝浩《禅真逸史》第三十六回:“众将军年虽弱冠,各负雄才,文武兼通,正堪为朝廷之股肱,庙廊之梁栋。今能顺天知命,解甲而降,准拟青史标名,流芳千古。”

例子: 元·杨梓《功臣宴敬德不伏老》第一折:“一任那渔樵闲话,少不得青史标名。”

用法: 作谓语、定语、宾语;用于劝诫人等。

英语: have a niches in the temple of fame


单字解释: [青]的意思 [史]的意思 [标]的意思 [名]的意思


Qing Shi: history books. Mark: write it down. Write down your name in the history book. Metaphor has left a good reputation in history. It is also known as "leaving a name in history", "passing down a name in history", "leaving a name in history" and "flowing in history".