难更仆数怎么读 难更仆数的意思

nán gēng shǔ



拼音: nán gēng pú shǔ

注音: ㄋㄢˊ ㄍㄥ ㄆㄨˊ ㄕㄨˇ

解释: 原意是儒行很多,一下子说不完,一件一件说就需要很长时间,即使中间换了人也未必能说完。后形容人或事物很多,数也数不过来。

出处: 西汉 戴圣《礼记 儒行》:“遽数之不能终其物,悉数之乃留,更仆未可终也。”

例子: 清·马建忠《适可斋纪言》第一卷:“告贷之方,难更仆数,散借于凡民,则苦其零星散集。”

用法: 紧缩式;作补语、定语;形容人或事物很多。

近义词: 数不胜数

单字解释: [难]的意思 [更]的意思 [仆]的意思 [数]的意思


The original meaning is that Confucianism has many lines, which can't be finished at once. It takes a long time to say one by one. Even if someone changes in the middle, he may not be able to finish. There are many people or things in the back shape, and you can't count them.