难弟难兄怎么读 难弟难兄的意思

nàn nàn xiōng



拼音: nàn dì nàn xiōng

注音: ㄋㄢˋ ㄉ一ˋ ㄋㄢˋ ㄒㄩㄥ

解释: 见“难兄难弟”。

出处: 清·许奉恩《里乘》第七卷:“然难弟难兄,亦何酷肖若此!”

例子: 清·魏源《二室行》:“太室之胜山内藏,少室之奇山外仰。难弟难兄孰相让。”

用法: 作主语、宾语、定语;形容两兄弟都好。

英语: brothers in misfortune(foul weather brothers)

俄语: два сапогá пáра

近义词: 难兄难弟

单字解释: [难]的意思 [弟]的意思 [难]的意思 [兄]的意思


Describe the two brothers as good and inseparable. Now it is also used in reverse, satirizing that both brothers are bad. Same as "brothers and sisters".