隔年皇历怎么读 隔年皇历的意思

nián huáng



拼音: gé nián huáng lì

注音: ㄍㄜˊ ㄋ一ㄢˊ ㄏㄨㄤˊ ㄌ一ˋ

解释: 比喻过时的事物或陈旧的经验,在新的情况下已经用不上。

出处: 清·夏敬渠《野叟曝言》第100回:“隔年的皇历,好一本子冷帐,闲着手要捉虱子,没工夫去揭他了。”

例子: 你不要守着这些隔年皇历

用法: 作宾语、定语;指过时的东西。

英语: almanac before this year(old-fashioned principle)

单字解释: [隔]的意思 [年]的意思 [皇]的意思 [历]的意思


Imperial calendar: it originally refers to the almanac issued by the Qing court, and later generally refers to the almanac. The Yellow calendar after a year. It refers to outdated things or old experience, which can no longer be used in new situations.