阿鼻地狱怎么读 阿鼻地狱的意思




拼音: ā bí dì yù

注音: ㄚ ㄅ一ˊ ㄉ一ˋ ㄩˋ

解释: 阿鼻:梵语的译音,意译为“无间”,即痛苦无有间断之意。常用来比喻黑暗的社会和严酷的牢狱。又比喻无法摆脱的极其痛苦的境地。

出处: 语出《法华经 法师功德品》:“下至阿鼻地狱。”

例子: 但也有少数意志薄弱的……逐步上当,终至堕入阿鼻地狱。《上饶集中营·炼狱杂记》

用法: 作主语、宾语、定语;用于诅咒人。

谜语: 18层地狱

英语: the Avici Hell(the last and deepest of the eight hot hells,where the condemned go through endless cycles of suffering,death...)

近义词: 十八层地狱

反义词: 极乐世界

单字解释: [阿]的意思 [鼻]的意思 [地]的意思 [狱]的意思


A bi: the transliteration of Sanskrit, which translates as "endless", that is, pain has no interruption. It is often used to describe a dark society and a harsh prison. It also refers to an extremely painful situation that can't be rid of.