闳中肆外怎么读 闳中肆外的意思

hóng zhōng wài



拼音: hóng zhōng sì wài

注音: ㄏㄨㄥˊ ㄓㄨㄥ ㄙˋ ㄨㄞˋ

解释: 闳:博大;肆:奔放,淋漓尽致。指文章内容丰富,文笔又能尽量发挥。

出处: 唐 韩愈《进学解》:“先生之于文,可谓闳其中而肆其外矣。”

例子: 清·章学诚《文史通义·文理》:“而于古人所谓闳中肆外,言以声其心之所得,则未之闻尔。”

用法: 联合式;作定语、宾语;指文章内容丰富。

英语: profound idea and a good style of writing

单字解释: [闳]的意思 [中]的意思 [肆]的意思 [外]的意思


Hong: broad; IV: unrestrained and incisive. It means that the article is rich in content and can give full play to its writing style.