拼音: wèn ān shì shàn
注音: ㄨㄣˋ ㄢ ㄕˋ ㄕㄢˋ
解释: 每日必问安,每餐必在左。指古代诸侯、王室子弟侍奉父母的孝礼。
出处: 《礼记·文王世子》:“文王之为世子,朝于王季日三。鸡初鸣而衣服,至于寝门外,问内竖之御者曰:‘今日安否何如?’……食上,必在视寒暖之节,食下,问所膳。”
例子: 太子当鸡鸣而起,问安视膳。(《资治通鉴 唐纪文宗开成二年》)
用法: 作谓语、定语、宾语;指子女侍奉父母。
英语: inquire about health of one's parents and watch them at meals
Every day must say hello and every meal must be on the left. It refers to the filial piety ceremony of ancient princes and royal children to serve their parents.典故