错节盘根怎么读 错节盘根的意思

cuò jié pán gēn



拼音: cuò jié pán gēn

注音: ㄘㄨㄛˋ ㄐ一ㄝˊ ㄆㄢˊ ㄍㄣ

解释: ①错:交错;节:枝节;盘:盘曲。树木的根枝盘旋交错。②比喻事情纷难复杂。③形容人坚韧不拔。

出处: 《后汉书 虞诩传》:“志不求易,事不避难,臣之职也;不遇盘根错节,何以别利器乎?”

例子: 光风霁月,自是无尘,错节盘根,试规游刃。宋·张孝祥《赵通判》

用法: 作谓语、宾语、定语;比喻事情复杂。

英语: with coiled roots and gnarled branches--complicated and difficult to deal with

近义词: 盘根错节

单字解释: [错]的意思 [节]的意思 [盘]的意思 [根]的意思


Wrong: staggered; Section: branch; Disc: winding. The roots and branches of the trees crisscross. ① Metaphor: things are difficult and complicated. ② Describe people as tough.