拼音: tiě miàn yù shǐ
注音: ㄊ一ㄝˇ ㄇ一ㄢˋ ㄩˋ ㄕˇ
解释: 宋赵抃为殿中侍御史,弹劾权贵,刚直无私,人称“铁面御史”。后泛称不畏权贵,不徇私情,公正严明的官员。
出处: 《宋史·赵抃传》:“翰林学士曾公亮未之识,荐为殿中侍御史,弹劾不避权幸,声称凛然,京师目为‘铁面御史’。”
例子: 明·程登吉《幼学琼林》第一卷:“王德用,人称黑王相公;赵清献,世号铁面御史。”
用法: 作宾语、定语;指公正严明的官员。
英语: an official who stands on principles and never yields to pressure
Zhao Yi of Song Dynasty served as the imperial censor in the palace. He impeached the dignitaries and was upright and selfless. He was known as the "iron faced imperial censor". Later, it is generally called an official who is not afraid of dignitaries, not selfish, fair and strict.典故