金石丝竹怎么读 金石丝竹的意思

jīn shí zhú



拼音: jīn shí sī zhú

注音: ㄐ一ㄣ ㄕˊ ㄙ ㄓㄨˊ

解释: 金:指金属制的乐器;石:指石制的磬;丝:指弦类乐器;竹:指管类乐器。泛指各种乐器。也形容各种声音。

出处: 西汉 戴圣《礼记 乐记》:“金石丝竹,乐之器也。”

例子: 乐也者,郁于中而泄于外者也,择其善鸣者而作壁上观之鸣。金石丝竹,匏土革木,八者,物之善鸣者也。(唐 韩愈《送孟东野序》)

用法: 联合式;作宾语;泛指各种乐器。

英语: all kinds of music

单字解释: [金]的意思 [石]的意思 [丝]的意思 [竹]的意思


Gold: refers to musical instruments made of metal; Stone: refers to the chime made of stone; Silk: refers to string instruments; Bamboo: refers to wind instruments. Refers to various musical instruments. It also describes various sounds.