遗老遗少怎么读 遗老遗少的意思

lǎo shào



拼音: yí lǎo yí shào

注音: 一ˊ ㄌㄠˇ 一ˊ ㄕㄠˋ

解释: 遗老:称前朝的旧臣;遗少:指封建时代留恋前期;思想陈腐的年轻人。指改朝换代后仍然效忠前朝的人。后指思想陈腐、顽固守旧的老人和年轻人。

出处: 鲁迅《朝花夕拾·无常》:“在正面,就是遗老遗少们所戴瓜皮小帽的缀一粒珠子或一块宝石的地方,直写着四个字道:‘一见有喜’。”

例子: 这些遗老遗少的作用是微不足道的

正音: “少”,不能读作“shǎo”。

辨形: “遗”,不能写作“遣”。

用法: 联合式;作宾语;含贬义。

谜语: 抓壮丁

英语: survivals of bygone ages old and young remains of the old society

单字解释: [遗]的意思 [老]的意思 [遗]的意思 [少]的意思


The deceased: the old minister of the former dynasty; Remnant: nostalgia for teenagers in the old times. After the change of Dynasty, they still loyal to the old and young people of the previous dynasty. It also refers to people who are nostalgic for the past and have stubborn and old ideas.