遏密八音怎么读 遏密八音的意思

è yīn



拼音: è mì bā yīn

注音: ㄜˋ ㄇ一ˋ ㄅㄚ 一ㄣ

解释: 遏:阻止;密:寂静。各种乐器停止演奏,乐声寂静。旧指皇帝死后停乐举哀。后也用以形容国家元首之死。

出处: 《尚书 舜曲》:“三载,四海遏密八音。”

例子: 清·梁绍壬《两般秋雨庵随笔》第三卷:“余壬午年至京,当遏密八音之际,未得耳聆目赏。”

用法: 作谓语、定语;形容国家元首之死。

近义词: 八音遏密

单字解释: [遏]的意思 [密]的意思 [八]的意思 [音]的意思


Curb: prevent; Secret: silence. All kinds of musical instruments stopped playing and the music was silent. It used to refer to the emperor stopping to mourn after his death. Later, it is also used to describe the death of the head of state.