返本还源怎么读 返本还源的意思

fǎn běn huán yuán



拼音: fǎn běn huán yuán

注音: ㄈㄢˇ ㄅㄣˇ ㄏㄨㄢˊ ㄩㄢˊ

解释: 本、原:根本,原貌。返回原来的地方。佛教说法,指忘了本原的人通过拜佛修行,回到本原状态;或指贬谪人世的仙人又回到仙界。

出处: 宋 释普济《五灯会元 宝峰文禅师法嗣》:“一年将欲尽,万里未归人,大众总是他乡之客,还有返本还源者幺?”

用法: 作谓语、宾语;指恢复原样。

英语: return to an original condition


反义词: 面目全非

单字解释: [返]的意思 [本]的意思 [还]的意思 [源]的意思


Ben and Yuan: fundamental, original appearance. Return to the original place. According to Buddhism, people who forget the origin return to the original state through worship and practice; Or refers to the immortals who are relegated to the world and return to the fairyland.