近乡情怯怎么读 近乡情怯的意思

jìn xiāng qíng qiè



拼音: jìn xiāng qíng qiè

注音: ㄐ一ㄣˋ ㄒ一ㄤ ㄑ一ㄥˊ ㄑ一ㄝˋ

解释: 指远离家乡多年,不通音信,一旦返回,离家乡越近,心情越不平静,惟恐家乡发生了什么不幸的事。用以形容游子归乡时的复杂心情。

出处: 唐·宋之问《汉江》:“岭外音书断,经冬复历春,近乡情更怯,不敢问来人。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;用于书面语。

单字解释: [近]的意思 [乡]的意思 [情]的意思 [怯]的意思


It refers to being far away from home for many years and having no news. Once you return, the closer you are to home, the more restless you are, lest something unfortunate happen to your home. It is used to describe the complex mood of a wanderer when he returns home.