过隙白驹怎么读 过隙白驹的意思

guò bái



拼音: guò xī bái jū

注音: ㄍㄨㄛˋ ㄒ一 ㄅㄞˊ ㄐㄨ

解释: 隙:空隙;白驹:原指白马,后比喻日影。比喻时光像骏马一样在细小的缝隙前飞快地越过。

出处: 《庄子·知北游》“人生天地之间,若白驹之过卻,忽然而已。”

例子: 恁兄弟一片功名心更速,岂不闻光阴如过隙白驹。(元 马致远《荐福碑》第一折)

用法: 作宾语;形容时间飞快流逝。

英语: the flight of time(fleet as a white pony's shadow flashing past a crevice)

近义词: 白驹过隙

单字解释: [过]的意思 [隙]的意思 [白]的意思 [驹]的意思


Gap: gap; Baiju: it used to refer to a white horse, but later it was compared to the shadow of the sun. It is a metaphor that time passes quickly in front of a small gap like a horse.