达官知命怎么读 达官知命的意思

guān zhī mìng



拼音: dá guān zhī mìng

注音: ㄉㄚˊ ㄍㄨㄢ ㄓ ㄇ一ㄥˋ

解释: 达观:旧指一切听其自然,也指看得开。知命:旧指知天命,想念人的命运是由天决定的。指对不如意的事情看得开,任凭命运安排,无。


例子: 达官知命的思想,暂时引渡静离开了苦闷的荆棘。天快亮时,她也沉沉入睡了。(鲁迅《幻灭》十四)

单字解释: [达]的意思 [官]的意思 [知]的意思 [命]的意思


Philosophical: in the old time, it meant that everything was left to nature, but also that it was open-minded. To know one's destiny: in the old days, it means to know one's destiny. Missing one's destiny is determined by heaven. It refers to being open to unpleasant things, allowing fate to arrange and having no choice.