超以象外怎么读 超以象外的意思

chāo xiàng wài



拼音: chāo yǐ xiàng wài

注音: ㄔㄠ 一ˇ ㄒ一ㄤˋ ㄨㄞˋ

解释: 以:用法等同“于”。超脱于物象之外。形容诗文意境雄浑、超脱。也比喻置身世外,脱离现实的空想。

出处: 唐·司空图《诗品·雄浑》:“超以象外,得其环中。”

例子: 人倘能够“超然象外”,看看报章,倒也是一种清福。(鲁迅《华盖集续编 马上支日记》)

用法: 作谓语、定语;形容诗文意境雄浑。

近义词: 超然象外

单字解释: [超]的意思 [以]的意思 [象]的意思 [外]的意思


With: the usage is equivalent to "equal to". Beyond the physical image. It describes the vigorous and detached artistic conception of poetry and prose. It is also a metaphor for the fantasy of being out of the world and divorced from reality.