赤壁鏖兵怎么读 赤壁鏖兵的意思

chì áo bīng



拼音: chì bì áo bīng

注音: ㄔˋ ㄅ一ˋ ㄠˊ ㄅ一ㄥ

解释: 鏖:激战。汉献帝建安十三年,曹操大军伐吴,孙权联合刘备军队联合抗曹,联军于赤壁用火攻大破曹兵的一次激战。泛指激烈的战斗。

出处: 元·无名氏《两军师隔江斗智》第一折:“叵耐刘备那厮,暗地夺取荆州,想他赤壁鏖战,全仗我东吴力气。”

例子: 高阳《胡雪岩全传·红顶商人》:“最后有人献策,仿照赤壁鏖兵,大破曹军的办法,用小船满载茅柴,浇上油脂,从上游顺流而下,火攻粮船。”

用法: 作主语、宾语;比喻经过艰苦奋斗取得胜利。

英语: decisive Battle of Chibi between Cao Cao's army and allied forces of Sun Quan and Liu Bei in 208 A.D. in present-day Hubei

单字解释: [赤]的意思 [壁]的意思 [鏖]的意思 [兵]的意思


Fierce: fierce battle. In the 13th year of the reign of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, Cao Cao's army attacked Wu, Sun Quan and Liu Bei's army jointly fought against Cao, and the coalition army attacked Cao's soldiers with fire in Chibi. Refers to a fierce battle.