拼音: jiàn liè xīn xǐ
注音: ㄐ一ㄢˋ ㄌ一ㄝˋ ㄒ一ㄣ ㄒ一ˇ
解释: 看见别人打猎而感到高兴。比喻看见某种情况触动自己原有的爱好;不免跃跃欲试。
出处: 《二程全书》第七卷:“明道年十六七时,好田猎。十二年,暮归,在田野间见田猎者,不觉有喜心。”
例子: 公子何不作一番我看,或者我见猎心喜,竟领会得一两件,也不见得。(《儿女英雄传》第十八回)
正音: “见”,不能读作“xiàn”。
用法: 连动式;作谓语;含褒义。
英语: thrill to see one's favorite sport and itch to have a go(have a teasing inclination)
Hunting: hunting. When I see hunting, my heart rises high. It's a metaphor to see that what others are doing is what they like in the past. They can't help but feel excited and want to have a try.典故