覆巢毁卵怎么读 覆巢毁卵的意思

cháo huǐ luǎn



拼音: fù cháo huǐ luǎn

注音: ㄈㄨˋ ㄔㄠˊ ㄏㄨㄟˇ ㄌㄨㄢˇ

解释: 覆:翻倒。巢:鸟窝。毁:破坏。卵:蛋。翻倒了鸟窝,打破了鸟蛋。比喻整体毁灭了,各部分都不复存在。亦作“覆巢破卵”、“覆巢倾卵”、“覆巢无完卵”。

出处: 战国·卫·吕不韦《吕氏春秋·应同》:“夫覆巢毁卵,则凤凰不至。”

例子: 西汉·刘向《战国策·赵策》:“有覆巢毁卵,而凤皇不翔。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;用于整体与个体的关系。

英语: Not a single egg can be intact in an overturned nest.


单字解释: [覆]的意思 [巢]的意思 [毁]的意思 [卵]的意思


Overturn: overturn. Nest: Bird's nest. Destruction: destruction. Egg: egg. Overturned the bird's nest and broke the bird's egg. The metaphor is that the whole is destroyed and all parts no longer exist. It is also known as "covering the nest and breaking the egg", "covering the nest and tilting the egg", "covering the nest without finishing the egg".