覆宗灭祀怎么读 覆宗灭祀的意思

zōng miè



拼音: fù zōng miè sì

注音: ㄈㄨˋ ㄗㄨㄥ ㄇ一ㄝˋ ㄙˋ

解释: 宗:祖庙。祀:祭祀。覆宗:推翻祖庙。灭祀:灭了香火,引申为绝了后代。毁坏宗庙,断绝后代。亦作“覆宗绝嗣”。

出处: 汉·张超《诮青衣赋》:“晋获骊戎,毙怀恭子,有夏取仍覆宗灭祀。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;指灭亡。

英语: one's issue fails

近义词: 覆宗绝嗣

单字解释: [覆]的意思 [宗]的意思 [灭]的意思 [祀]的意思


Zong: ancestral temple. Sacrifice: sacrifice. Fu Zong: overthrow the ancestral temple. Extinguish sacrifice: extinguish the incense, which is extended to the future generations. Destroy the ancestral temple and cut off future generations. Also known as "Fuzong heirs".