袍笏登场怎么读 袍笏登场的意思

páo dēng chǎng



拼音: páo hù dēng chǎng

注音: ㄆㄠˊ ㄏㄨˋ ㄉㄥ ㄔㄤˇ

解释: 身著官服;手持笏板;登场演戏。比喻上任作官;丑行开始(把官场比作戏台)。

出处: 清 赵翼《数月内频送南雷述庵淑斋诸人赴京补官戏作》:“袍笏登场也等闲,若他动色到柴关。”

例子: 袁世凯倒台以后,军阀们又袍笏登场,百姓仍受困苦煎熬。

正音: “笏”,不能读作“wù”。

辨形: “笏”,不能写作“茐”。

用法: 连动式;作谓语;含贬义。

英语: skilled and magical craftsmanship


反义词: 告老还乡

单字解释: [袍]的意思 [笏]的意思 [登]的意思 [场]的意思


Wat: the long and narrow board held by ancient officials when they went to the court, which was made of jade, ivory or bamboo. It used to mean that officials dress up and act. This is a metaphor for a new official taking office (ironic).