蠖屈求伸怎么读 蠖屈求伸的意思

huò qiú shēn



拼音: huò qū qiú shēn

注音: ㄏㄨㄛˋ ㄑㄨ ㄑ一ㄡˊ ㄕㄣ

解释: 蠖:昆虫名,行时屈伸其体。比喻人不遇时,则屈身求隐,待来日再展宏图。

出处: 《周易·系辞下》:“尺蠖之屈,以求信(伸)也。”

例子: 盖闻蠖屈求伸,非终于屈,龙潜或跃,匪固于潜。(明 刘基《诚意伯文集》第八卷)

用法: 作谓语、宾语;指等待东山再起。

近义词: 蠖屈不伸

单字解释: [蠖]的意思 [屈]的意思 [求]的意思 [伸]的意思


Inchworm: the name of an insect. It bends and stretches its body when walking. It is a metaphor that when people don't meet, they bend their bodies and seek concealment, and then show their grand plans in the future.