虚虚实实怎么读 虚虚实实的意思

shí shí



拼音: xū xū shí shí

注音: ㄒㄨ ㄒㄨ ㄕˊ ㄕˊ

解释: 假假真真,以假乱真。指军事上讲究策略,善于迷惑对方。也指文艺作品中虚写、实写并用,表现方法耐人思索回味。

出处: 明 罗贯中《三国演义》第四十九回:“岂不闻兵法‘虚虚实实’之论?操虽能用兵,只此可以瞒过他也。”

例子: 此诗虚虚实实,何能逆料就是才女。清 李汝珍《镜花缘》第九十回

用法: 作宾语、定语;指真真假假。

谜语: 棉花堆里藏铁砣

英语: seemingly false and real at the same time(mixture of truth and deceit; mixture of feints and ambushes)

近义词: 真真假假


单字解释: [虚]的意思 [虚]的意思 [实]的意思 [实]的意思


False and true, confuse the false with the true. It refers to paying attention to strategy in military affairs and being good at confusing each other. It also refers to the combination of virtual writing and real writing in literary and artistic works, and the expression method is thought-provoking.