茅庐三顾怎么读 茅庐三顾的意思

máo sān



拼音: máo lú sān gù

注音: ㄇㄠˊ ㄌㄨˊ ㄙㄢ ㄍㄨˋ

解释: 见“草庐三顾”

出处: 元·无名氏《醉写赤壁赋》第一折:“不肯去兰省一朝登北阙,便想这茅庐三顾到南阳。”

例子: 明·陶宗仪《辍耕录·丘真人》:“岂不闻渭水同车,茅庐三顾之事,奈何山川悬阔,有失躬迎之礼。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;指求贤。

英语: call on somebody three times to show one's sincerity

近义词: 草庐三顾

单字解释: [茅]的意思 [庐]的意思 [三]的意思 [顾]的意思


In order to invite Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei visited him in the cottage three times. Later, this allusion was used to express the emperor's gratitude to his subjects. It is also a metaphor for sincerely inviting or visiting. Same as "three visits to the grass house"