肯堂肯构怎么读 肯堂肯构的意思

kěn táng kěn gòu



拼音: kěn táng kěn gòu

注音: ㄎㄣˇ ㄊㄤˊ ㄎㄣˇ ㄍㄡˋ

解释: 堂:立堂基;构:盖屋。原意是儿子连房屋的地基都不肯做,哪里还谈得上肯盖房子。后反其意而用之,比喻儿子能继承父亲的事业。

出处: 《尚书 大浩》:“若考作室,既底法,厥子乃弗肯堂,矧肯构?”孔传:“以作室喻政治也,父已致法,子乃不肯为堂基,况肯构立屋乎?”

例子: 家有严君,斯多贤子。肯构肯堂,流誉奕世。(明 东鲁古狂生《醉醒石》第七回)

用法: 联合式;作谓语、宾语;比喻子能继承父业。

英语: carry on the unfinished work of one's father


单字解释: [肯]的意思 [堂]的意思 [肯]的意思 [构]的意思


Church: establish the foundation of the church; Structure: build a house. The original intention was that the son would not even do the foundation of the house, so he would not be willing to build a house. Later, it was used contrary to its meaning, which is a metaphor for a son who can inherit his father's career.