拼音: ròu tǎn miàn fù
注音: ㄖㄡˋ ㄊㄢˇ ㄇ一ㄢˋ ㄈㄨˋ
解释: 肉袒:去衣露体,表示愿受责罚;面缚:两手反绑面对胜利者,表示放弃抵抗。脱去上衣,反缚着手。形容顺从投降。
出处: 西汉 司马迁《史记 宋微子世家》:“微子乃持其祭器造于军门,肉袒面缚,左牵羊,右把茅,膝行而前以告。”
例子: 清·褚人获《隋唐演义》第88回:“不想倒就反起来了,一时惊惶无措,只得肉袒面缚,诣阙待罪。”
用法: 联合式;作谓语、状语;形容顺从投降。
英语: bare one's back to be trashed and let one's hands be tied on the back
Bare flesh: take off your clothes and expose your body, indicating that you are willing to be punished; Face binding: the two hands are tied back. Facing the winner, it means giving up resistance. Take off your coat and tie your hands back. Describe obedience and surrender.典故