耆年硕德怎么读 耆年硕德的意思

nián shuò



拼音: qí nián shuò dé

注音: ㄑ一ˊ ㄋ一ㄢˊ ㄕㄨㄛˋ ㄉㄜˊ

解释: 耆:古称六十岁为耆,泛指年高。硕:大。比喻年高而德望很重。

出处: 郑观应《盛世危言·海防》:“当今王大臣耆年硕德,虽不乏人,求其能深知水军事务,胆识俱优者,恐难其选。”

用法: 作主语、宾语;指德高的老年人。

英语: of advanced years and noble character

近义词: 耆德硕老

单字解释: [耆]的意思 [年]的意思 [硕]的意思 [德]的意思


Qi: in ancient times, it was called Qi at the age of 60, which generally refers to age. Shuo: big. It is a metaphor of high age and high moral reputation.