老师宿儒怎么读 老师宿儒的意思

lǎo shī xiǔ



拼音: lǎo shī xiǔ rú

注音: ㄌㄠˇ ㄕ ㄒ一ㄡˇ ㄖㄨˊ

解释: 宿儒:原指长期钻研儒家经典的人,泛指长期从事某种学问研究,并具有一定成就的人。指年辈最尊的老师和知识渊博的学者。亦作“老手宿儒”。

出处: 宋·陆九渊《语录》:“三百篇之诗,有出于妇人女子,而后世老师宿儒,且不能注释得分明,岂其智有所不若。”

例子: 鲁迅《谈“激烈”》:“即要研究,也必先由老师宿儒,先下一番改定工夫。”

用法: 作主语、宾语;用于书面语。

近义词: 老手宿儒

单字解释: [老]的意思 [师]的意思 [宿]的意思 [儒]的意思


Su Ru: originally refers to a person who has studied Confucian classics for a long time. It generally refers to a person who has been engaged in some kind of academic research for a long time and has made certain achievements. It refers to the most respected teachers and knowledgeable scholars. Also known as "veteran Su Ru".