网漏吞舟怎么读 网漏吞舟的意思

wǎng lòu tūn zhōu



拼音: wǎng lòu tūn zhōu

注音: ㄨㄤˇ ㄌㄡˋ ㄊㄨㄣ ㄓㄡ

解释: 网:渔网,比喻法网;吞舟:吞舟的大鱼,比喻大奸。网里漏掉吞舟大鱼。比喻法律太宽,使重大的罪犯也能漏网。

出处: 西汉 司马迁《史记 酷吏列传序》:“网漏于吞舟之鱼,而吏治烝烝,不至于奸,黎民艾安。”

例子: 明·刘若愚《自序》:“今外则网漏吞舟,内则桃僵李代。”

用法: 连动式;作宾语、定语;含贬义。

英语: (of laws) too mild (to punish criminals)

单字解释: [网]的意思 [漏]的意思 [吞]的意思 [舟]的意思


Net: fishing net, a metaphor for the French net; Swallowing a boat: a big fish swallowing a boat is a metaphor for a big traitor. A big fish swallowing a boat is missing from the net. The analogy is that the law is too broad, so that major criminals can slip through the net.