纤尘不染怎么读 纤尘不染的意思

xiān chén rǎn



拼音: xiān chén bù rǎn

注音: ㄒ一ㄢ ㄔㄣˊ ㄅㄨˋ ㄖㄢˇ

解释: 原指佛教徒修行时,排除物欲,保持心地洁净。现泛指丝毫不受坏习惯,坏风气的影响。也用来形容非常清洁、干净。

出处: 唐·释道世《法苑珠林》:“若菩萨在乾土山中经行,土不著足,随岚风来,吹破土山,令散为尘,乃至一尘不著佛身。”宋·张耒《腊月小雪后圃梅开》:“一尘不染香到骨,姑射仙人风露身。”

例子: 高阳《胡雪岩全传·平步青云》上册:“地板桌椅,擦得纤尘不染。”

用法: 作谓语;指一尘不染。

英语: as clean as a new pin(as neat as a bandbox)

近义词: 一尘不染

单字解释: [纤]的意思 [尘]的意思 [不]的意思 [染]的意思


It originally means that Buddhists eliminate material desires and keep their mind clean when practicing. Now it generally refers to being unaffected by bad habits and bad habits. Also used to describe very clean, clean.