箕风毕雨怎么读 箕风毕雨的意思




拼音: jī fēng bì yǔ

注音: ㄐ一 ㄈㄥ ㄅ一ˋ ㄩˇ

解释: 古传月亮经过箕星时风多,经过毕星时雨多。指官吏施政应顺应民情。

出处: 《尚书 洪范》:“庶民惟星,星有好风,星有好雨。”孔传:“箕星好风,毕星好雨。”

例子: 箕风毕雨,育岭生峨。(南朝 梁 吴均《八公山赋》)

用法: 联合式;作宾语;指官吏施政应顺应民情。

近义词: 毕雨箕风

单字解释: [箕]的意思 [风]的意思 [毕]的意思 [雨]的意思


Ji and Bi: both are star names. In ancient times, it was believed that the moon had more wind when passing through Jixing and more rain when passing through Bixing. The original metaphor is that the likes and dislikes of the people are different. Later, it is used to praise the government and sympathize with the people.