笃近举远怎么读 笃近举远的意思

jìn juǎn



拼音: dǔ jìn jǔ juǎn

注音: ㄉㄨˇ ㄐ一ㄣˋ ㄐㄨˇ ㄐㄨㄢˇ

解释: 笃:忠实,厚道;举:举荐,选拔。对关系近的厚道,对关系远的举荐,指同等待人。

出处: 唐·韩愈《原人》:“故圣人一视而同仁,笃近而举远。”

用法: 作谓语、定语;用于处世。

单字解释: [笃]的意思 [近]的意思 [举]的意思 [远]的意思


Benedict: loyal and kind; To recommend and select. Kindness to those who are close to each other and recommendation to those who are far away from each other refer to those who are waiting for each other.