秦欢晋爱怎么读 秦欢晋爱的意思

qín huān jìn ài



拼音: qín huān jìn ài

注音: ㄑ一ㄣˊ ㄏㄨㄢ ㄐ一ㄣˋ ㄞˋ

解释: 秦、晋:春秋时的秦国和晋国。当时秦、晋两国世代通姻,后称两姓联姻的关系为“秦欢晋爱”或称“秦晋之缘”。形容双方关系十分和美、亲近。亦作“秦晋之缘”。

出处: 元·向贲《醉花阴》:“秦欢晋爱成吴越,料今生缘分拙。”

用法: 作宾语、定语;用于男女间。

英语: alliance between the two families by marriage


单字解释: [秦]的意思 [欢]的意思 [晋]的意思 [爱]的意思


Qin and Jin: Qin and Jin in the spring and Autumn period. At that time, Qin and Jin were married for generations. Later, the relationship between the two surnames was called "Qin huanjin love" or "the fate of Qin and Jin". Describe the relationship between the two sides as very friendly and close. Also known as "the fate of Qin and Jin Dynasties".