秋收冬藏怎么读 秋收冬藏的意思

qiū shōu dōng cáng



拼音: qiū shōu dōng cáng

注音: ㄑ一ㄡ ㄕㄡ ㄉㄨㄥ ㄘㄤˊ

解释: 秋季为农作物收获季节,冬季则贮藏果实以待一年之需要。比喻一年的农事。

出处: 西汉·司马迁《史记·太史公自序》:“夫春生夏长,秋收冬藏,此天道之大经也。”

例子: 明·无名氏《三化邯郸》第一折:“这力田呵,春耕夏耨,秋收冬藏,无饥无忧,何为不乐?”

用法: 作宾语、定语;用于农业等。

英语: be gathered in autumn and stored in the winter

单字解释: [秋]的意思 [收]的意思 [冬]的意思 [藏]的意思


Autumn is the harvest season of crops, and fruits are stored in winter for one year. It is a metaphor for farming in a year.