秀出班行怎么读 秀出班行的意思

xiù chū bān háng



拼音: xiù chū bān háng

注音: ㄒ一ㄡˋ ㄔㄨ ㄅㄢ ㄏㄤˊ

解释: 秀出:高出,引伸为才能出众,优秀;班行:班次行列,指在朝为官的位次,后也指同列、同辈。才能优秀,超出同辈。

出处: 唐 韩愈《唐故江南西道观察使洪州刺史太原王公神道碑铭》:“秀出班行,乃动帝目。”

例子: 清·袁枚《答梁瑶峰司农》:“常州新拔贡生殷杰,少年好学,秀出班行。”

用法: 主谓式;作谓语、定语;指在同辈中最为杰出。

英语: be a notch above others(be a notch higher than others)

近义词: 出类拔萃

单字解释: [秀]的意思 [出]的意思 [班]的意思 [行]的意思


Show: high, outstanding and outstanding; Class line: class line refers to the rank of officials in the DPRK, and later also refers to the same line and peers. Can be excellent and surpass their peers.