礼无不答怎么读 礼无不答的意思



拼音: lǐ wú bù dá

注音: ㄌ一ˇ ㄨˊ ㄅㄨˋ ㄉㄚˊ

解释: 礼:礼数。一方以礼相待,另一方不能不以礼相报。

出处: 《礼记·燕义》:“君举旅于宾,及君所赐爵,皆降再拜稽首,升成拜,明臣礼也。君答拜之,礼无不答,明君上之礼也。”

例子: 礼无不答,言上之不虚取于下也。《礼记·燕义》

用法: 作宾语、定语;用于交往等。

英语: All courtesies must be returned.

近义词: 礼尚往来

单字解释: [礼]的意思 [无]的意思 [不]的意思 [答]的意思


Courtesy: courtesy. One party should treat each other with courtesy, and the other party must repay each other with courtesy. It also means that if you don't receive gifts from others, you must repay them.