拼音: pò bì fēi qù
注音: ㄆㄛˋ ㄅ一ˋ ㄈㄟ ㄑㄨˋ
解释: 传说梁代画家张僧繇在壁上画龙,点上眼睛后龙即飞云。比喻人突然有钱有势或官职地位一下子升得很快。
出处: 唐·张彦远《历代名画记》卷七:“金陵安乐寺四白龙不点眼睛,每云:‘点睛即飞去。’人以为妄诞,因请点之。须臾,雷电破壁,两龙乘云腾去上天,二龙未点眼者见在。”
例子: 高阳《胡雪岩全传·红顶商人》:“虽然会试屡屡落第,终有破壁飞去的一日,所以鼓励慰藉,无所不至。”
用法: 作谓语、定语;指画龙点睛。
英语: become wealthy and influential all of a sudden
近义词: 画龙点睛
It is said that Zhang sengyao, a painter of the Liang Dynasty, painted a dragon on the wall. After touching his eyes, the Dragon flew into the clouds. It refers to a person who suddenly has money and power or an official position rises rapidly.典故